Easy Tricks for Keeping Resolutions in 2023

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Happy New Year everyone!  As we all say “goodbye” to 2022 and “hello” to 2023, I know many of us are thinking about the whole “New Year, New Me” thing that we see on social media and thinking about possible...

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Public Journal 2 : 12-23-2022

A lot of things have happened in the past year, and I failed to document a lot of it. Now the holidays are coming around and there is a lot to think about and reflect on. I am starting this...

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7 ways to be a good roommate

Living with other people is fun and exciting! These are some tips so that your college/post college living situations can be smooth and easy. You can share these with your friends if you find them helpful and use these to...

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5 Tips to Maintaining a Journal

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Keeping a journal and maintaining one can seem very daunting. You might look on Pinterest or TikTok and see people that have these well planned and thought out journals that look awesome and want to start one yourself. Or maybe...

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6 Things you need to know before going to college

Get prepared for all the craziness of college by following these few tips. These will be so helpful in getting you to maximize your college experience. Time management is a necessity College is hard and procrastinating will just make it...

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Public Journal 1 : Week of 02-02-2022

Wednesday, February 2 marks 4 weeks since the beginning of my blog. (it’s also a 2’s day, but watch out for 02-22-2022 cause that’s a 2’s day actually on a Tuesday) It is also groundhog day and good grief, I...

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7 Tips for De-stressing without Technology

Whether you’re a student like me or living an adult life, we all can agree that life gets stressful sometimes. You come home from a long day of work, school, whatever it is and you just need to destress for...

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5 Tips for How to Study Efficiently in College

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Strong study skills are one of the keys to being a successful college student. Being able to study well and efficiently will help you retain information you are learning as well as be able to apply it better to other...

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5 Tips on Staying Organized in College

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Staying organized with so many different classes can be a huge struggle. These are 5 tips from personal experience that help me stay organized with a busy college life. 1. Clear Workspace, Clear Mind One of the most important things...

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